
Parametric Design with Maya, MELscript & plug-ins

Parametric Design with Maya, MelScript & Plug-ins 
Firenze - 7-12 dicembre 2010

[prima parte]
Niccolo Casas

[seconda parte]
Ludovico Lombardi & Fulvio Wirz
Zaha Hadid Architects London]

Rivolto a: studenti, architetti, designer e modellatori 3d digitali

- Il workshop analizzerà ed approfondirà l'utilizzo del software
Autodesk® MAYA come strumento di modellazione per il design di forme
fluide e complesse tramite l'approfondimento di tecniche generative,
fornendo la possibilità di parametrizzarne i processi logici e
investigando nuove possibili strategie progettuali.

- Il workshop sarà suddiviso in due moduli correlati di 3 giorni ciascuno:
1. introduzione e basi del software: modellazione mesh, NURBS,
2. parametric design with MelScript & plugins: utilizzo del software
e personalizzazione delle tools per strategie progettuali innovative

IreCoop - via Vasco De Gama 27 _ Firenze

6 giornate consecutive _ orario 9:00 - 18:00

professionisti 500€
studenti 300€

- il corso sarà attivato con un numero minimo di 15 iscritti
- al termine sarà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza
- gli iscritti dovrano venire muniti dei propri laptop con software installato
[una versione free per 30 giorni è disponibile sul sito Autodesk® ]

iscrizioni + info alloggi: www.irecooptoscana.it
[alla directory: Cosa offriamo > formazione > altri corsi]

info sul corso: info@co-de-it.com

organizzato da:
Irecoop Toscana
digital emergenc-i-es


triply periodic minimal surfaces 003

This third post concern on the effects of topological variation of Schoen's Manta surface unit cells.

In the exemple case parametric variation of cells is associated with solar direct radiation values of each mesh faces.

The analysis was made in Autodesk Ecotect thanks to geco.

triply periodic minimal surfaces 002

The images below are proliferation tests of Schoen's Manta surface unit cells. Some emerging effect arise when we try different tassellation of the input mesh.

the variation could be associated to a specific pattern to achive a global performace. 
In this case I use topostruct to find the optimal distribution of material in a flat panel under certain conditions of support and loads. The derived proliferation take care of the stress condition of the panel


triply periodic minimal surfaces 001

this tests are part of my thesis project 
"Processi di progettazione biodigitali in Architettura: nuova biblioteca universitaria della facoltà di Architettura di Firenze
supervisors: prof. Ulisse Tramonti , prof. Alessio Erioli

Minimal surfaces are defined as surfaces with zero mean curvature. Finding a minimal surface of a boundary with specified constraints is a problem in the calculus of variations and sometimes known as Plateau's problem. Minimal surfaces may also be characterized as surfaces of minimal surface area for given boundary conditions.

Some particular minimal surfaces form three dimensional repetitive structure based on very simple fundamental regions, they are called triply periodic minimal surfaces.

Above is the construction process of Schoen's Manta surface from his fundamental region to the cubical unit cell.

I found many definitions in gh that use repetition of a single nurbs surface (fundamental region) to achieve the complete structure of triply periodic minimal surfaces, but this kind of construction have some problems of continuity on the edge of the surfaces especially when the model is associated to parametric variations, moreover this models create very big files.

So I've written a new definition that use quad mesh component to built the model and later  weld  and smooth the geometry using Meshedit by [uto] and waverbird by Giulio Piacentino.

This method give a smooth and quite correct approximation of the minimal suface that perserve correct continuity even in case of parametric variations and let bigger model thanks to the use of meshes.

The whole definition is still in devlopement but you can download a wip grasshopper file here: link

I will post some application studies soon. 

Licenza Creative Commons
This opera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione 3.0 Unported License.