
Colloidal systems

Colloidal systems are mixture of different substances. They consist of two separate phases: the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium. 
In CG those systems can be simulated using two different particle systems reacting togheter. 

Here are the results of some tests in Maya+Gh.



this sketch tries to simulate the behaviour of a roots system,
the sketch is based on a simple particle system where each particle attract the closest particles while moves at the same time toward the mouse position.



this is an exploration on 3d chemical patterns using Cellular Automata to simulate Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction,

visualize on OpenProcessing

if you want go further about reaction-diffusion systems:

"The chemical basis of morphogenesis", Alan Mathison Turing, 1952
"A simple model of Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction from first principles", Alasdair Turner , 2009


Diffusion Limited Aggregation

This is a test about Diffusion Limited Aggregation Systems. This is a devlopemnent of the basic code I wrote with Wei Ye and Giulio Piacentino during the Co-de-it Advanced Grasshopper Workshop held in Florence on last 25-27 march.
My greetings to all the Co-de-it team and all partecipant of the Ws.

you can download the code here

The process start with a basic point and a moving particle that is searching for connections. When the moving particle found the base point, a new point is added, and so on.

this is the cluster after many generations


Maya Fluid to Gh

This test is about communication between Autodesk Maya and Rhino_Grasshopper. 
UDP communications protocol can be used to share wathever data you need between the two platforms in realtime.  This example send density values of a fluid system in Maya to Grasshopper. 

Density values are sent from Maya with a custom script in Python. In Grasshopper we can use gHowl UDP receiver  component to recive the data.

you can download the Python script and the Grasshopper definition here

in Maya:

# create the fluid in Maya and be sure that your fluid name is fluid1
# open the script editor and in Python tab load and run the script
# close the script editor
# open the Expression editor and write the expression:  python("MayaFluidtoGh()");
# choose create and close Expression editor

in Grasshopper:

# set fluid resolution the same of your fluid system in Maya 
# (for 2D fluid systems Z value is 1)
# you need gHowl installed on your Grasshopper to run the definition

now play the animation in Maya


noise variations _ Processing

A short test in Porcessing using noise function, the particle system moves with a noise function.
Particles perceive proximity between each other varying their size accordingly.




Biodigital processes in Architecture_Thesis

supervisors: Alessio Erioli , Ulisse Tramonti
candidate: Tommaso Casucci


workshop review

Some studies from the workshop Parametric Design with Maya, MELscript & plug-ins tutored by Niccolo Casas, LudovicoLombardi and FulvioWirz From 7th-12th December 2010 .

Licenza Creative Commons
This opera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione 3.0 Unported License.