
Procedural matter

The following tests are intended to explore matter as a procedural model defined on the base of a set of  algorithmical rules to create seamless patterns whose parameters can be arbitrarily varied to match infinitely different conditions.

In this case not any physical phenomena is simulated but a set of abstract conditions are defined, in particular the use of procedural textures is explored.

Procedural textures are largely used in computer graphics to generate arbitrary resolution images and simulate representation of natural elements on the base of mathematical algorithms. Those textures was primarily studied by Ken Perlin during the eighties. His original noise code is dated 1983.

Below is a series of procedural 3D formations produced combining noise functions with other mathematical expressions. 


code (noise original 1983 first version code)
Noise and Turbulence (introduction to perlin noise)
Perlin Noise (accurate description of noise functions)
echoechonoisenoise (amazing noise based design research by Dominik Strzelec)


Studies for a stair

Thıs project is a personal exploration that started by a real necessity of renovation of a friend’s house on the hills inTuscany near Cavriglia (Italy).

The existing building is going to be divided in two part to have two different apartment. The idea is that one of the two apartment will be used by a young couple, the other will be probabily be given for lease.

Except for a little work of redistribution of the existing spaces, the only new addıtıon is a new staircase that will serve one of the two apartment, while the other is going to use the existing  stair.

I was asked to devlope a proposal for the stair but since the first  moments was clear that the stair would be builted on the base of a different project that uses prefabricated components, for this reason I had some free space for exploration.

The initial studies was based on a single structure that englobe the pillar, the stairs and part of the floor of the first level of the house.

A first analysis phase consisted on the simulation of principal stresses distribution  inside a limited volume area, under the pressure of  loads derived from the use of the stair and the first level floor and definied a set of possible anchor points in the existing structure.

On the base of the three dimensional vector field describing the principal stresses distribution, the material proprieties of the stair, was defined through the use of an agent base strategies to mediate between agents behaviour and the vector field proprieties.

This process define a structure that is more dense and massive where the principal stresses have high values and became more fibrous and dematerialized where principal stresses registered are low.

The treatment of the exterior surface of the structure was also studied to create variation between smooth and coarse surface that could give a secure foothold to the user that are going up to the stair.  


SPECTRUM {EMBODIMENTS} - Processing Workshop

proto/e/co/logics – Rovinj _ 27-31.08.2012
Tutors: Alessio Erioli, Tommaso Casucci, Alessandro Zomparelli

Agency, embodiment, hierarchies.
The more we explore the architecture of matter, the more what we get looks more and more like information; yet, information needs a body in order to express itself as such. Architecture starts when the embodiment process takes place, from the set of relations that define a system, by defining relations among independent objects (which, in turn, are information systems on a finer scale). By coding the behavioral rules of interacting autonomous agents and topological manifolds, emergent hierarchies and differentiated yet coherently related spatial and geometric conditions flourish forming a spectrum (a condition that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary infinitely within a continuum), with a cascade of local symmetries, gradients and singularities emerging from pure information systems.
The workshop will speculate through codes written in Processing on autonomy of form and the relation among behavioral rules and morphogenesis. Rather than trying to reductively solve dualities like autonomy/dependency, whole/parts, heterogeneity/homogeneity the workshop aims to exploit them as a fuel for dynamic, competitive or collaborative creation of higher complexity and the source of a spectrum of possibilities in finding novel seeable forms with no precedents.
We will write our own unconventional programming strategies in the scripting- framework Processing.

Alessio Erioli, Tommaso Casucci, Alessandro Zomparelli

a collaboration between Co-de-iT and MLAUS / proto/e/co/logics

information and registration:



hemesh is a 3D library for Processing for the creation and advanced manipulation of meshes by Frederik Vanhoutte.

here is a short test to explore some of the basic features of the library.

the branching structure is based on a simple random sedimentation ad searches for the closest point between the existing nodes of the frame.

you can download the code here.



more on bundling

Playing with Toxiclibs library I find that a similar version of some of my previous sketches on bundling systems can be coded using VerletPhysics springs and particles.

the SubLine class that define the subdivision of the lines is based on this code by Jose Sanchez.

find the code on OpenProcessing.




Fiber Shelter

Project proposal
PREMIO PAV 2012 competition

Design team: Mirco Bianchini, Tommaso Casucci, Mirko Daneluzzo, Alessio Erioli and Alessandro Zomparelli

Il progetto Fiber shelter nasce dall’idea di proporre un progetto altamente integrato con l’ambiente del Parco arte vivente di Torino, relativamente alle sue qualità spaziali e di fruizione.
La proposta è quindi quella di determinare un sistema che ha la possibilità di diffondersi all’interno del parco.
Questo tipo di strategia potrebbe inoltre essere utilizzata per inserire futuri interventi mantenendo coerenza distributiva.

La struttura dello shelter si avvale di una tecnologia che permette la realizzazione di strutture fibrose e in grado di definire una struttura rigida , facilmente montabile.
Il materiale e la tecnologia ipotizzata è splineTEX® Carbon, un materiale composito in plastica fibrorinforzata che permette di creare strutture leggere e resistenti senza la necessità di costosi processi di piegatura.
La struttura primaria è costituita da un doppio livello di elementi tubolari interconnessi ai quali si andrà successivamente ad agganciare una struttura secondaria di fibre più fini. Alla struttura primaria si aggancia inoltre un ulteriore livello di fibre di carbonio le quali una volta trattate con apposite resine diventeranno parte integrante della struttura.
Le fibre sono distribuite secondo un gradiente che dipende dalla curvatura della superficie di proliferazione: si infittiscono nelle aree dove la curvatura è maggiore, rappresentando le parti più deboli della struttura.
Il sistema definisce una struttura rigida altamente resistente dove l’infittimento determina un modello statico ridondante, in cui i vincoli tra gli elementi sono molti più di quelli minimi necessari per determinare un struttura rigida.

Questa strategia è presente in molti sistemi naturali: il surplus di elementi aumenta la resilienza del sistema, rendendolo in grado di rispondere complessivamente in maniera migliore a sollecitazioni di natura imprevedibile; inoltre rende ogni singolo elemento non indispensabile, per cui eventuali lesioni manifestatesi in un elemento specifico non andranno a compromettere l’integrità complessiva del sistema.
L’utilizzo di fibre di carbonio è stato scelto sia per le elevate caratteristiche meccaniche del materiale, sia per l’economicità del materiale e sia per la bassissima manutenzione che tale tipo di struttura richiede dopo la messa in opera.
Il pattern di densità definisce inoltre la transizione tra spazi più aperti e permeabili ad altri in cui la variazione delle fibre crea una maglia densa, influenzando e dando così una nuova gerarchia di ombreggiamento (e quindi temperatura) e permeabilità (accessi) all’interno del proprio spazio e campo di influenza esterno.

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This opera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione 3.0 Unported License.